All testimonials are copied from hundreds of handwritten ones in binders in my office.  Please come in and read the originals.  There are many more stories.  Better yet, let’s add your success story to the binders!

This is an outstanding professional!  I was fortunate to have been the recipient of her outstanding acupuncture skills.

~ Arlene J.

I had an injured jaw resulting in pain and tingling from nerve damage. Recently cracked ribs and bruised knee.

Tingling in jaw is done, pain is almost gone, rib pain significantly reduced after 1 treatment.  Knee swelling and bruising is healing much faster than doing nothing (my usual). It’s unbelievable how effective these treatments are! Julie definitely has a magic touch!!!

~ LT

I have fibromyagia and irritable bowel syndrome. Also, I asked her about weight loss.

My results were amazing!  I needed pain medication much less often and I have had the strength to do all the activities that I wished to do. Also I have no food cravings anymore and I feel satisfied with smaller portions (even on a cruise ship).  My intestinal problems were basically cured.  I ate smaller portions but still felt good and nothing seemed to bother my insides. This was a remarkable experience.

~ Marcia G.

For the past 5 years, I have had sinus problems. I had rebound effect from using nasal sprays long term; and so then needed to use them 2-3 times/day just to breathe.

I had relief after the first treatment.  It was amazing.  I’m also using the herbs recommended for sinus conditions.  By the third treatment I was not using the spray. If this is what acupuncture could do for me, it can certainly help others.  Thank you Julie for the treatment and relief.

~ Mitch K.

Both feet and lower legs were numb from diabetic peripheral neuropathy.  Right hand beginning to tingle and difficult to pick up small things. Extreme coughing from post nasal drip disturbing sleep.

After 5 painless treatments, I can stride naturally.  It was 2 treatments to lessen the coughing. After one treatment, I was able to pick up small scrabble tiles. So, today I am going to have one more treatment to assure continued improvement and to tell Julie, “thanks a million.”

 ~ Dorothy M.

I have had IBS for over 10 years.  Taking different medication from different doctors.  Having issues after eating with my digestive system and having stomach attacks.  The stomach attack would come about once/month.

After just one treatment of acupuncture with Julie, I felt results right away.  That same evening when I had dinner, I had no pain or discomfort with digestion. I am a believer in the miracle of acupuncture.  I just wish I had discovered this 10 years earlier.  I am amazed!

~ Sharon A.

I came aboard (cruiseship) more or less confined to a wheelchair or at the very least using a walker.  I have severe arthritis in both knees-too bad to operate.  I take morphine and Tylenol arthritis twice daily—more if needed.  

Then I had 3 acupuncture sessions with Julie and lo and behold, a little miracle happened.
I am now able to walk with or without anything except a cane which has been necessary on the ship for balance.  I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am.

~ Joyce D.

Hot flashes so severe that it was physically painful.

Because of Julie’s acupuncture skill and her knowledge of oriental medicine, I now have NO hot flashes since the first treatment and also with taking specific herbs.  It is more than a week and I have had only occasional insomnia as the result of stopping HRT. Thank you, thank you!

~ Lorna W.

Essential tremors in both hands, sciatica pain in left buttock and neuritis on left inner thigh.

After 8 treatments from Julie, there was improvement in reduced tremors by at least 50%, sciatica pain reduced by at least 70%, neuritis condition is reduced by 30-40%.  I intend to continue acupuncture treatment in the future.

~ Anton S.

I was barely able to walk.  

I went from needing a walker to a cane to walking unassisted after acupuncture.

~ Ron

For the last 9 months I have been battling unexplainable abdominal pain, and radiating to my lower back pain.  I have had multiple surgeries, CT scans, and seen multiple MD’s. I had also been seeing another acupuncturist, still was having recurring problems!! I came to Julie in a back brace!
Julie saw me a total of 4 times.  With the first visit I was out of my back brace and doing normal activities! By 2-4 treatments I was hiking and enjoying being virtually pain free!  I have always sworn by acupuncture but Julie truly is an expert and knows her craft!  She takes her time understanding your symptoms and tailors your treatment specific to your needs!  Julie Rocks!

~ Claire W.

I had severe lower back pain due to a jolt at the back of a bus.  I suffered for 5 days taking pain pills and muscle relaxers.

First acupuncture treatment gave me relief for the next 19 hours. My pain level decreased on the first treatment from 10 on a scale of 10 to a 2 on a scale of 10.  I have just had my second treatment and am feeling well.

~ Charles S.

In three treatments, Dr. Julie Jerkins was able to isolate and effectively treat my chronic lower back pain. I’ve had the pain for 5 years, following an occupational accident.  The pain was constant and I did not realize the extent of my energy and wellbeing that had been lost.

This treatment has allowed me to more fully enjoy life, engage in activities, and have the stamina and desire to be on my feet for extended periods of time.  A Godsend. Thanks!

~ Mark R.

When I came to Julie I was with a migraine for almost a month, nothing could help to feel better.  I was feeling depressed and was very stressed.

Since the first session with Julie, I started to have a better mood and my migraine was ceasing.  Within 2 weeks I was another person, happier, and with more strength.  I truly recommend acupuncture.  It is painless and really effective.

~ Rebecca B.

Very bad pain in my lower back and both hips.

I thank God I met and talked to Julie.
With Julie treating me for both conditions, my pain was greatly diminished and I did not need to take heavy drugs for the pain.

~ Ann F.

I had constant ringing noise in my ears (tinnitus).  Using a scale of 0-5, I had a constant noise level of 3 and it would increase to a level 5.  It would never go lower than a 3.

I had 15 acupuncture treatments given by Julie.  Since the treatments, my noise level has decreased to a range of 0-1 ½, 2.  It has been 2 months since the treatments and my noise level has remained at 2 or less and I even have days when it is gone completely.  Julie was very professional and explained the acupuncture treatments and any questions I had. I would highly recommend this procedure.

~Jim M

I am a trained pathologist and by nature a scientist. In my short experience Ms. Jerkins is an excellent therapist and one I can recomment withour any hesitation.

~ Pat C, MD

Fibromyalgia and only one kidney functioning.

It was amazing! I had never tried acupuncture before and I was skeptical of results.  I am moving around with much less pain and my kidneys are functioning much better.  I had such tense muscles and now I am more relaxed! Outstanding! Julie, you are a dream!! Thank you so much.

~ Jacqueline G

I have lived with flu-like pain for over 12 years. I have gone to doctors, physical therapists, massage therapist and chiropactors.  These professionals helped me except for the unresolved pain known as fibromyalgia. It zaps my energy.

After 1 session, I noticed I slept better, felt focused and had a sense of overall wellbeing.
After 2nd session, I had continued energy.  I noticed that my feet didn’t hurt as much.  I completed a 5 mile walk where I actually could run a bit.  Some things are very subtle, but I will continue with acupuncture. Thank you very much.

~ PM

Anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, pain and IBS were bothering me.

Now my pain has almost completely gone away. My anxiety and panic attacks are very tolerable—more controllable.  My nausea is better. I have not overall felt this good since my teenage years.  Miss Julie is one of the most caring, knowledgable, professional and hardworking individuals I’ve ever seen.  It is very obvious she loves her job, takes it seriously, and has a deep calling and understanding of my conditions. She is one of a kind! Thank you again Dr. Julie! May God bless you!

~ Richard M

I really enjoyed our treatments.  You are truly a healer!

~ Sara P

I told my friends how good your treatment was!

~ Nicole S